ASMOF- the Doctors' Union

The Australian Salaried Medical Officers' Federation is the Australian trade union representing salaried doctors. ASMOF's objectives are to:

  • Promote the broad interests of salaried doctors
  • Provide services to its members, including representation before industrial tribunals and in negotiations with employers
  • Advocate the provision and development of quality health services

ASMOF is a federation comprised of branches in all Australian States and Territories. Membership includes all levels of medical practitioners - interns, residents, registrars, hospital specialists, consultants, medical academics, medical administrators and salaried doctors generally.

The Australian Council of Trade Unions recognises ASMOF as the principal union for salaried medical practitioners, ASMOF having affiliated with the ACTU in 1991.


ASMOF Petition against Physician Assistants

Posted on 2/08/2024
Recently there has been a proposal to employ Physician Assistants in teaching hospitals by Queensland Health. In the UK, the use of Physician Assistants has been widely recognised as a disaster within the NHS, and a previous trial in Queensland was s

Have you worked in NSW? Register for class action compensation

Posted on 30/05/2024
You may have heard that the Maurice Blackburn class action seeking recovery of unpaid wages for rostered overtime, unrostered overtime, meal breaks, and superannuation for doctors in training employed by NSW Health has settled for a record $229.8m.

President’s Award 2023 - Professor Geoff Dobb

Posted on 13/02/2024
Following a recommendation of the 2023 Federal Council, Professor Geoff Dobb was awarded the first ever President’s Award.

ASMOF Supports Work on Sexual Safety in Medicine

Posted on 9/02/2024
Further to the commitments announced by ASMOF on 21 December 2023, the Federation made a donation in support of the continuing work into policy and raising awareness about issues of sexual abuse and harassment in the medical field.

Power to Prevent Joint Statement

Posted on 12/01/2024
On 9 January 2024, the Federal Executive of ASMOF resolved to endorse the December 2023 Joint Statement of the Power to Prevent Coalition welcoming proposed changes that remove barriers to people pursuing redress for discrimination and sexual harassm